1. Toxins. Older artificial turfs contained lead. The newer stuff
isn't supposed to, but there isn't good research on the toxins that it
might contain. The crumb rubber in the new stuff contains polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, which is a potential carcinogen. Also, it is
unclear what other components in the artificial turf may be found to be
harmful. No one knows the long-term effect.
2. Heat. Artificial turf gets really, really hot. It is recommended
to not schedule games during the hottest part of the day, but would that
be followed? When it is hot here, it is HOT. What sort of temperatures
would be anticipated, in an installation here in Cold Spring?
3. More injuries. There are more injuries on artificial turf,
particularly leg injuries. In the current sports climate, where ACL
tears are becoming shockingly common in high school kids, would
installation of artificial turf be setting our kids up for injuries?
4. End plan. Artificial turf is expected to last about ten years. What
happens then? Where will the funds come from to replace it? What will
the cost be to dispose of it? Will chemicals have leached into the
ground, causing clean-up costs?
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